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Loic Mahe - Cuvee "M" Savennieres 2020

Loic Mahe - Cuvee "M" Savennieres 2020

Regular price $155.00
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This wine is part of a series of wines released by Loic that have been aged in different vessels.

This cuvee is the 'Maceration' release. Here whole grapes are macerated in pressed juice in a small glass jar. They stay there for one year before being pressed.

The fruit comes from the Equilibre Vineyard. A warm and dry site with almost no topsoil to speak of, with roots going straight down into the red/blue schist. Fruit from here always results in wines of real power and heft. 

The result is a pretty unique wine. Very mineral on the palate. Golden in colour but drinks closer to an aged white wine than an orange. The fruit is less important here as its all about the texture, with the minerally core combining with the sandy tannins produced by the extended aging.

Really interesting and unique expression of Chenin. Rare and worth seeking out.



Loic Mahe

Chenin Blanc




Savennieres / Anjou-Saumur / Loire Valley

The Fruit


Estate Grown


Additions Minimal Sulphur



Full Bodied


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